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Join as an Individual

Benefits for Individual Members

As an individual member of WIAN NIGCOMSAT, we offer you a multitude of opportunities for career-advancements. We provide different activities to our members at all career levels, such as:

  1. Trainings and professional development opportunities.
  2. Seminars and workshops with experienced professionals.
  3. Networking events.
  4. Academic lectures and research briefings
  5. Scholarship, Grants & Awards
  6. Benefits and discounts available to members of our Partner Organisations.

Individual Membership Fees

Individual Membership : Student & Retiree –
Individual Membership : Regular – N5000.00
Individual Membership : Employees of Platinum or Gold Corporate members –

Each fee is valid from January to December each year.

For support and enquiries on membership and subscription please email

Join as a Corporate

Benefits for Corporate Members

As a Corporate Member you are committed to the advancement of women in the aerospace sector. We offer our supports with a variety of benefits:

  1. Take advantage of our professional members for recruitment at all career levels.
  2. Establish a professional link with our members who act as role models and mentors to students and younger generations.
  3. Access to academic research publications, special events and professional training courses with a special discount.
  4. International inter-company professional relationship.

Corporate Membership Fees

Platinum :
Gold :
Silver :


Each fee is valid from January to December each year.

For support and enquiries on membership and subscription please email